Oh my GOSh I have so much to post about since last week.
SO I have posted about this on social media at all because I DON’T WANT TO JINX IT. But we saw a house last Wednesday and loooooooooooooooooved it. We made an offer on Thursday. They countered on Friday and Friday evening we accepted their counter. So we are officially under contract for a new house.

Closing is not until November. And we would not take possession until January. But that works ok for us. We still have to get through inspection and everything so fingers and toes crossed. I’m trying not to get TOO excited yet until all the papers are signed and it’s a done deal.
And guys… if everything works out… I am going to have a freaking amazing sewing room.
So that’s all about that now for now. Like I said I don’t want to jinx anything.
But all that stuff kept the weekend a little hectic, especially because Chase was out of town. It was constant texting and updates and I had to leave MCX Sunday to go take care of our earnest money check.
But let’s go back to Saturday.

Saturday morning ended up being hectic. I had set all my Jean Grey stuff out a few nights before. I thought I was all ready to go! Kevin’s Harry Potter stuff was all sitting out, too. Getting Kevin into costume was not hard, but then I got about halfway through getting into Jean and… couldn’t find my green shorts that go under the dress ANYWHERE. I had assumed it was in the accessory bag but they weren’t.
I had to tear the closet apart, dumping everything out looking for them (I literally had everything on except the shorts and the wig at this point). They weren’t anywhere they were supposed to be. So I started tearing through my costume underwear bin, my sock bin, my pajama bin, the bag I took to dragoncon, the laundry….
Finally went BACK to the closet and picked up a backpack of Chase’s that was in there — and it was underneath that, stuck to some velcro. UGH I seriously spent a half hour looking for them.

Kristie drove Kevin and I over to the Agricenter which was good because that place was PACKED! Not only was MCX hopping, but there was also a Bead Show, a gun show, and early voting all happening there, too. (Something for everybody!) Ash got there not long after us and had to circle around trying to find parking, finally had to park a long ways away in the grass.
As soon as we got in I went ahead and got in line to get Chris Claremont’s autograph. Ended up in line for nearly an hour and a half – I don’t think I’ve ever waited in line that long for an autograph, even for Carrie Fisher! Oh wait – no, Alton Brown was probably about the same amount of the time, but most of that was just waiting on him to show up, so we were just camped on the floor. Lauren and her dad and Jeremy were all there too (her first con!) and were in line a bit behind us, so that was fun.
SO I got my copy of the Phoenix saga signed, and got my pic with him.

And apparently nerded out so hard I totally forgot how to pose in any kind of flattering way. But I don’t care! I was happy!
Then we walked around and shopped for a while. I found a dealer that had “Banged up Box” Pops for $5 a piece, the boxes were just dinged up. Since I don’t keep Pops in their box that didn’t matter to me, and they had 2 I wanted — Edith from Crimson Peak and Belle’s village dress (I try to collect Pops I have costumes of). So that was cool!

60s supergals!
I ended up just going gloveless on my right hand the entire time so I could use my phone. Ha! I had the other glove with me but it stayed in the bag the whole time.
We ended up heading home around 2:30, got changed and then Kristie, Kevin and I went to look at furniture.

I saw some stuff I really liked too — Chase and I have been wanting to go mid-century inspired in our next house and I found some stuff that really fit the bill. Just stuff to keep in mind.
Then we headed off to dinner and to see David’s current play, Sci-Fi Scratch Night.

I REALLY enjoyed it. I hope they do something like it again next year.

Sunday I got up a little earlier than I did on Saturday to hopefully add some cushioning to our time schedule in case something went wrong again LOL. Kevin had been hot and uncomfortable in Harry Potter all day Saturday, so I just put in his X-Wing pilot shirt for Sunday. And then it ended up being COLD! We would have done better to put him in costume Sunday and normal clothes Saturday.

Checking out the batmobile.

I wore Leia with the new updates. I still am not happy with the hem and I don’t think that will be fixable until I just make another dress. But I took up the sides to bring the arm openings in closer to the body, and added the interfacing to the collar.

Overall I’m slightly happier with it than I was earlier this year. I’m going to go ahead and tackle the boots and belt soon — maybe remake the dress later on.
I bought some temporary dark brown root cover spray because I thought my roots were WAY off my extensions (I haven’t worn Leia since before I went back to red in August). But in the end it looked ok without it – I’ve had too much regrowth, all the red is under the buns LMAO

I stopped at the anime booth and bought Kev some pocky and ramune. And he noticed this green foam sword sitting there and liked it. And normally when I say something like, “we’ll look at it next time” he’ll drop it and forget, but he kept hovering over it and asking questions about how good I thought it would look if he “wielded it”. So it was just $20 so I got it for him. That’s it in the pic above and we talked about it the ENTIRE way home. He kept asking if it could cast spells, wouldn’t it be cool if it could cast protego (I kept pretending like he said potato), what its name was, etc. He was really excited about it.
And the nice thing is is that if this house goes through, he will have his own dedicated room at our house, so I’m going to put that sword, his 2 Master swords, his keyblade and our lightsabers all up on the wall in his room.
We hung around the con for as long as we could before I got the call I needed to run home and meet the agent with the check. Ended up having a few minutes to kill when I got home so I took some quick pics of the updated Leia costume with the timer before I got out of it.

It’s really hard when your photographer husband is out of town and you want to take photos LOL. I’m not used to this!
Chase got home in the evening and that was kind of it for the weekend.
Sewing updates!
I stayed home sick Wednesday — I think Vegas caught up to me — but I did get some decent sewing done while home. For one, I finished up Cinderella.

New front panel in! Once I got that in, I closed it back up, got the skirt reattached, lace sewn back on, and a modesty panel installed in the back. It fits soooooOOOooooOOOO much better.

No more “tenting” in the front.
I also finished up the Leia updates with the interfacing in the collar.
And now I’m kinda stuck. My Belle skirt fabric arrived and was the wrong colour. Returning it this week and hopefully they can match up the fabric to the swatch I got. I guess I could make my new Amidala collar. That’ll be my goals for this weekend.
Art! I only have one thing this week. It was a ROTS-era concept art with a big collar.

I am really not happy with the face :\ I liked the idea of a deep red/cream/black outfit but I’m not sure it was successful.
Maybe I’ll like it more if I’m not being distracted by the face.
(EDIT: I went back and fixed her wonky leg at least. The pic above is the latest version and not the one I originally posted.)